Review Your Squidoo Lenses People!!

Last Update: April 02, 2010

Just thought I would throw out my thoughts about the evolution of learning with respect to Squidoo.

I guess my biggest flaw that I have found in myself is that when I learn something new in IM, I disregard the last thing I learned and focus on the new, which is a huge flaw.  (Note to self: apply your new lessons to old content, you can change it!.)  I am getting better at this, though.

I just went over one of my Squidoo lenses and looked at it through the view of 5 weeks of learning new things.  My basics were good.  I had awesome keywords with little competition in the URL and title.  The thing I was lacking was search engine optimization. 

 My keywords were absolutely not targeted throughout the rest of my lens.  I needed a picture that had those keywords.  I needed more frequency of keywords.  Not to mention it sounded like a sales page instead of helpful info.  No wonder I could not get listed when there is only 5 freakin' competition!

My new rule is to review my lens every two weeks.  I guarantee that you have learned something to improve it in that time frame.

When I saw mine, it seemed like I created it when I was 12, though it was only a month ago.

I stress on Squidoo since it is one of those rare sites with high Google Page Rank, you can put your affiliate links in, and you can monetize with Amazon, Ebay, and a share of adsense.  I guess the creators of Squidoo knew what they were doing to us!

Good Luck Everyobody,



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DLN Premium
Good advice, I just finished my first 5 lenses. I'll be sure to go back and adjust and improve them as I learn more in the coming weeks and months.
sox1n05 Premium
This is true and it's something that we forget about all too often. The problem I think is that we put SO much content out there that we forget to go back and revisit it. This is a great post - thanks for sharing!
kadcpp Premium
Good Advice! I would also add any blogs that you may have created and linked also need to be updated regularly.
jatdebeaune Premium
Jared, What you say is very true. A problem I am overcoming is tendency to forget things if I've been away from the task, even for just one day. I make a reminder list, plus "how to" list. Becomes rote after a while but that comes with consistently doing the thing over and over. Good news because you just get better and better the more you do.
Jeremy35 Premium
True that!