Failure-A Necessary Stepping Stone.

Last Update: March 08, 2010

This is the one business/ industry where repetition of failure leads to success every time.  I don't mean failing with the same strategy every time.  I mean trying something, finding out it does not work, leaving it in place anyways, and trying something else!

 In most other businesses, many small successes lead to finding the big picture.  In the world of internet marketing, little fails lead to one sale.  That is the point where you say to yourself:

"So that's how it works!" or "That's what gets sales!"

Find that lesson in your journey and attack it with everything you have!

Failure until success- get a sale- use this formula hundreds of times over- learn more!

Good Luck!

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sox1n05 Premium
So true man. In the last five months (albeit everything is a big blur), I can see some of the HUGE mistakes that I've made. Now my mistakes are not as big and they have helped me refine my process. This makes it much more efficient and effective. Awesome post man, awesome.