Newbie Learning Philosophy
I know I have read the following philosophy many times, but recently it has really sunk in and I feel like putting it in my own words for me and the other newbies out there.
This is basically a train of thought for a brand new IMer to boost their knowledge at an exponential rate.
Promote Wealthy Affiliate (WA)!
As you look for ways to promote WA, you will be researching the things that are offered here, the tools, and the community. You will need an angle to advertise from. Unwittingly you are learning about the ways to navigate WA and the ins and outs of Internet Marketing at the same time.
This is different from starting out on something like Squidoo and splitting time between learning internet marketing and researching electronics or something. If you promote WA you are fully emerged in your new Internet Marketing environment.
If you are brand new, don't be intimidated into thinking that you cannot promote this site because you know little about it. That is exactly the reason why you should be promoting it!
This tip has recently skyrocketed my knowledge.
Good Luck All