Posts by Jerrywaxman 21
I managed to get into WA for almost an hour today. I think I got a lot done.  Downloaded a blueprint for  CPA marketing.  I plan to use the tips for affiliate marketing. I also advanced to Lesson 5, and I'm going to focus on  Article Marketing. Maybe some forum marketing, too.  And I hope to learn a little more about SEO.    Now, time to go.
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The challenge now is to get things done offline.  My access to the internet is severely limited, and I have to use the time online for my daytime job.  That means that I will have to do online marketing in an hour or two every evening or morning IF there is an opportunity to get online. Even while I have not been able to log in to WA for a week now, much of my thinking has been on progressing in online business.   I also find myself thinking of possible keywords and possible dom
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I wish I could just do my day job and then go home and do my internet marketing there.  But there is no internet connection in the home.  So I have to stay at the office extra extra hours to come over here for even a few minutes.  I want to laugh about all this.  I'm sure that one day I will.  In the meantime, it's work work work and no rest.  Until Now. Now I'm going to take out a lot of the unnecessary work load.  Gonna unsubscribe like crazy, and gonna get
I've missed so many days here due to a major life transition; a move from one country to another.   It is now like a vacation from unemployment and no income.  But it's a tough vacation.  All the time that I was packing up and getting ready to move, and while in transit, my mind was on two things - teaching and marketing.  Amazing how similar they are. Today, listening to an audio by Travis about copywriting, the idea struck me that the same four emotional rules apply to
June 12, 2010
Today, Simpleology helped me get into focus. I went to my Simpleology cockpit, and quickly reviewed the 101 training, from lessons 5 - 15.   Now, I have to work on time management.  I'm thinking of giving Simpleology 15 - 30 minutes every morning.  And Wealthy Affiliates a couple hours every night.   Tonight is a late night.  There are some offline things to do.  Hopefully I'll get back online and finish lesson 3 before exhaustion.    
June 10, 2010
I'm writing this early in case I fall asleep before I get a chance to start the training in earnest.  While going through email, I came to the conclusion that a lot of gurus and teachers really want to abuse my time.  No longer do I look at videos or listen to long recordings just because someone important said I should.  Starting to streamline goals and activities.  [Later that same session] Making real progress: Finished Lesson 2. Did most of Lesson 3;  Now starting t
June 10, 2010
Tonight again I was obligated to do some work for the university that I am going to next week.  While putting together the teaching plans, I thought about how planning to teach is so much like marketing.  I wrote objectives about what I want the students to accomplish.  In marketing, we need to set objectives regarding our markets.   In essence while I was getting into my own head, I was also getting into the heads of the students - of the market.   That was my insight f
June 10, 2010
I got a message from a buddy, and I believe I can help her out a little.  Still, I haven't managed the time so that I could come here and start the training.
June 10, 2010
I didn't get in here to write a post.  I did manage to read a little of the training. The problem is time management.  Always exhausted at the end of the day, and still there are tons of work to do. 
June 07, 2010
An exhausting day.  I worked on packing things to move out of this apartment.  If anything motivates me to succeed it's this - I don't want to move anymore.  I don't want to go to another country just because I can't find a job where I'd rather be. I Want financial freedom.  I Want to be independent.   As it turns out, I didn't have the energy to begin with the training today.   I have had thoughts about what area I should build a website.  I'm thinking of find