Posts by Kalevi 9
So my first week with WA has officially been finished. Well, it's been 8 days now but I wanted to make a post about my first week and ended up getting sidetracked last night.Anyways, so far I can say I've put in a TON of work this week towards internet marketing. I've definitely learned a lot and have done a ton of writing. I have 3 live articles and 2 more waiting to be published to StreetArticles which I think is not too shabby.I've managed to work through day 10 of the 30 day
June 29, 2012
It's been almost a week since I've joined WA and so far, it's been an awesome experience. I've already met a lot of cool people and am well on my way to creating a pretty cool website that I can hopefully be proud of once I'm finished.I was able to publish 2 articles on running in the past couple days. My first one was Long Distance Running Tips that basically gives some pointers on how to increase your distance running ability. My second article that I finished today is How
June 27, 2012
Well I've done it AGAIN! I can't keep staying up so late but I just can't help it. I finally got my second website up and "running". It's called and I already have a ton of stuff that I'm ready and able to write about!I had a little trouble coming up with a domain name for it but I think I settled on something pretty good. I'm going to cater it towards newer runners or people looking to get into running but will provide a ton of content relat
Well the day is coming to a close and it's time to write about my progress today.As the title suggests, today I decided to go back to step 1 and pick a different niche. I decided that my current one with Dota 2 still had some holes in it that I wasn't sure how to fix and decided to choose another instead.My new niche is going to be related to exercise as I feel it will be easier to get through the training this way. Even though I started over today I feel that I made a ton of progress al
June 25, 2012
Allright, well its almost 2 AM here and I'm still messing around and I REALLY need to go to bed but I'm just so excited right now. I finally got both my articles I wrote yesterday and today published on StreetArticles. It's only been about an hour so far but I've got a combined total of almost 50 views! I really can't believe it's even getting up that high but it truly is an awesome feeling.I've taken my training advice to heart as well and have linked both articles t
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June 23, 2012
Hey everyone. Today was a pretty long day. Was up super early and went out with the family for some running and biking. When I got home I got right back into the thick of things. I decided that I'm just going to stick with my video gaming niche for now. I find it quite easy to actually write content about it as I've already published one and almost finished another article today.Everything seemed pretty straightforward today as well which was nice. I managed to almost finish through Day
June 22, 2012
Today's blog will be quite short as I am extremely tired but super happy! I had a little bit of trouble yesterday trying to get into wordpress express to actually edit and publish content on my website. I figured it wouldn't hurt to start over from scratch so I deleted it and started another website and Presto! it was working just fine.I was able to finish through Day 3 and got very accustomed to the wordpress interface. The only thing that I am not unsure about is the niche that I'v
June 21, 2012
All right here it is, my "first" (technically second) blog post! Steve from I'veTriedThat recommended that I go ahead and do this my first day and I've done everything but this so why not give it a whirl? My name is Ian and I'm hoping today is just the first on an awesome journey. I'm 22 years old and really don't have much going for me at the moment. Unexpected and unfortunate events as well as bad decisions have led me to where I am today and to say that I was pleased wou
June 21, 2012
This Blog is just as the name states: My 2012 Goals as per Steve's challenge here I can update this at a later date so it can be more fleshed out and in-line with goals I already have. Some of these will be more short-term while others will be more long term.Internet Marketing/Wealthy Affiliate Goals Record my progress in Blog each day for my first 10 days with Wealthy Affiliate Introduce myself on the forums Find a good ni
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