My First Week With WA - Finished

Last Update: July 02, 2012
So my first week with WA has officially been finished. Well, it's been 8 days now but I wanted to make a post about my first week and ended up getting sidetracked last night.

Anyways, so far I can say I've put in a TON of work this week towards internet marketing. I've definitely learned a lot and have done a ton of writing. I have 3 live articles and 2 more waiting to be published to StreetArticles which I think is not too shabby.

I've managed to work through day 10 of the 30 day training course and that was with restarting on a new website about halfway through the week, so all in all I have been working pretty quickly.

My 'running' website is developing well but I have yet to get any visitors. I've managed to make it to page 2 on Google which i"m very happy about. I was skeptical that I was going to be able to rank well enough as there are about 400 other pages to compete with in my chosen keyphrase. I'm really hoping that if I can continue writing more articles and making a few more pages on my website that I can get it to the first page.

Surprisingly, I have a total of 45 views on my Dota 2 website that I started working on. I had some issues getting google analytics to work and start on my Running website so I lost a few days worth of data if anyone has visited it.

Overall I'd say I'm satisfied with the work I've been doing. The results really haven't shown yet and I'm definitely a little dissapointed but I can see how everything fits together which I feel is the important part. I've learned how to embed youtube vidoes, affiliate links, change headers, and a bunch of new stuff to make my website look much better. I'm learning how to approach writing an article and getting a "system" down to help while I'm writing.

Most importantly, I've met quite a few new people and have found some people within my running niche. I'm hoping I can continue to progress and hopefully see some type of results this next week. I've been going all out with it as I'm spending most of my free time trying to get better and learn more.

Here's to hoping next week will be even better!

Thanks for reading.

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Kalevi Premium
Thank you for the encouragement! The past couple days have been a bit rough so my mind was not in the right place I think. I'm feeling a lot better today and I'm motivated to get right back into things. Even my 2 articles that I wrote over the weekend I feel were not as good as they could have been due to personal stuff. Luckily I can resubmit them to street articles if they decide they aren't up to par!
mama2karsten Premium
Congratulations! and Jon is right. Just keep on Trucking :)
jchilders Premium
Congrats on getting your site up and going. It's only been a week, so don't get down about low visitor count..regardless of what many misleading sales pitches out there say, success does NOT happen overnight. But keep plugging away at it and you will get there.
