Day 4 - Back the Drawing Board

Last Update: June 25, 2012
Well the day is coming to a close and it's time to write about my progress today.

As the title suggests, today I decided to go back to step 1 and pick a different niche. I decided that my current one with Dota 2 still had some holes in it that I wasn't sure how to fix and decided to choose another instead.

My new niche is going to be related to exercise as I feel it will be easier to get through the training this way. Even though I started over today I feel that I made a ton of progress already. I've done a lot of keyword and keyphrase research that has led me to over 35 phrases with 5 of them guaranteeing first page search results with around 400-500 searches per month. One of them I found even had close to 3,000 per month! I was shocked that I found one that was easy to rank with so many searches.

Overall, I'm very pleased with everything I accomplished today. All the time I spent learning how to find valuable keywords and keyphrases helped me out a ton today. I never managed to write an article however, which I was hoping I could do but I just ran out of time unfortunately. Tomorrow will be the creation of my new website and I can't wait to start creating some content to put on it.

Future is looking good! Thanks for reading.
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Kalevi Premium
I completely agree. I feel it's important to have this mindset just starting out otherwise it would be very discouraging. There's always the chance you can get lucky and see good results right away but I've just been keeping focused on actually learning the concepts behind the training so I can put it to use later on and hopefully reap the benefits! Thanks for the comment.
@RICH. Premium
Hi Ian. No shame in Rinse-and-Repeat. I'm on Day #9 and I'm just about to start over again. It's much easier the second – and in my case – the third time around. I've developed the mind-set that my first few sites are experiments, they're simply a hands-on opportunity to put into practice what I'm learning, all of which will carry me forward to my eventual goal. Good luck! Rich.