Trucking Along

Last Update: June 29, 2012
It's been almost a week since I've joined WA and so far, it's been an awesome experience. I've already met a lot of cool people and am well on my way to creating a pretty cool website that I can hopefully be proud of once I'm finished.

I was able to publish 2 articles on running in the past couple days. My first one was Long Distance Running Tips that basically gives some pointers on how to increase your distance running ability. My second article that I finished today is How to Set Running Goals. I explain how setting goals no matter what it is will always be helpful to motivate you to achieve the results you want.

I've managed to get through Day 7 now of the training program. I signed up for a few affiliate networks and found 1 affiliate program I can use. I'll have to look into another affiliate program cause I'm just too tired to do it right now and I'm getting annoyed over silly stuff.

I've also been working on making new friends and trying to do some social networking with pretty good results so far! I've joined the WSS (Writer's Secret Society) group on facebook which I highly recommend as well as Pinterest. I've managed to get 4 people in my tribe so far on streetarticles and even made a few new friends through WA and the WSS which I'm very happy about.

I'm looking to be super productive this weekend. I might be running my first 5k as well on Saturday so stay tuned in so I can keep you posted.

Thanks for reading and please let me know what you think about my articles. I'd like to improve my writing in any way possible so just let me have it!

- Ian
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Adi2008 Premium
Hi Ian,

I'm running my first 5K on Saturday too! At the start of the year, I set myself a goal to run a 5K before the end of June 2012. You can read about it my blog

Your articles are very informative to a newbie runner like me, so thanks. Looking forward to see how your running website develops.

Good luck!

Kalevi Premium
Awesome! Glad to hear somebody is already enjoying and learning about running through my articles. I'm working hard on getting my website the content it needs and deserves.

Good luck with your 5k! I'm eager to hear how it goes for you.
Adi2008 Premium
I completed my first 5k run today. I did it in 31:09 which I am really pleased with. This for me is a huge milestone (I've never ran this distance out in the open before, only on a treadmill). It's given me the confidence to continue with my running and next time to target a sub-30 minute time. If there's a lesson here for IM, it's taking small and consistent steps over time WILL lead to results.
Kalevi Premium
Congratulations! I'm very happy for you. It's very true that small steps can lead to big results down the road. 31:09 isn't a bad time either, that's faster than I'm currently going by like 6 minutes!

Also, it turned out that my 5k wasn't this weekend. Good news is I have more time to train for my 5k! Going to go for a long run today and see if I can't make it 3 miles or more. I believe there are a few more coming up that I can register for ahead of time, can't wait.
paci Premium
Good work man, just keep on going...
Kalevi Premium
Thank you, paci. I'm working hard!
BIS Premium
Hi Ian - I hope your first 5K goes well

Congratulations on getting your second article completed. It is a very interesting read. My only comment on the artice is that you should always put in the maximum links allowed. You only have one and you could have used 2. I always try and put the first one as soon after 300 words as possible in case they don't get to the bottom.

Best wishes

Kalevi Premium
Thanks! I should definitely have used my extra link in there but I wasn't really thinking too much about it at the time.