Sleep is for the Weak

Last Update: June 27, 2012
Well I've done it AGAIN! I can't keep staying up so late but I just can't help it. I finally got my second website up and "running". It's called and I already have a ton of stuff that I'm ready and able to write about!

I had a little trouble coming up with a domain name for it but I think I settled on something pretty good. I'm going to cater it towards newer runners or people looking to get into running but will provide a ton of content related to running for everybody.

That's about it as I really didn't do much today but tomorrow is gonna be good! If you happen to check out the site, let me know what you think about the home page and the writing. I tried to make it as interesting as possible but I'm tired so it might just be bad, I dont know. Thanks for reading and hope to talk to you soon.

- Ian
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paci Premium
Nice first article...first you might want to change the theme :) and add pictures.
check out Coaster theme, you might like it.
Kalevi Premium
Thanks! Yea I wasn't sure what theme to go with, I liked the simplicity of the one I chose but I'm definitely going to look into more. I'll check out the coaster theme you mention. I didn't really have time to add pictures but that is definitely on my to-do list. Thanks for your input!
chamaltatis Premium
Nice work!
Kalevi Premium