2nd Day Progress

Last Update: June 23, 2012
Hey everyone. Today was a pretty long day. Was up super early and went out with the family for some running and biking. When I got home I got right back into the thick of things. I decided that I'm just going to stick with my video gaming niche for now. I find it quite easy to actually write content about it as I've already published one and almost finished another article today.

Everything seemed pretty straightforward today as well which was nice. I managed to almost finish through Day 6 which I'm hoping I can finish up tomorrow and keep on going. I'm still waiting for my first article to be published but started working on my second one in the meantime. Can't wait to see what's in store for tomorrow.

That'll wrap things up for my blog and progress update for today. Hope everyone has a good night and check back tomorrow to see some more progress!

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Kalevi Premium
Small update, I did submit my article last night but it ended up getting rejected today because of my links within the article. However, I checked out the blog post they linked to learn about linking inside an article and I edited it a little bit and made it much better! Hopefully it will be up to their standards now.
Carson Premium Plus
veronica.l Premium
Good job keep pluggin away!!