Day 10 - You Mean I Need Traffic?

Last Update: June 14, 2010

Just wanted I would check in and let you know that things are going great and I am having a blast! I haven't really seen an increase in revenues yet but I am planting a bunch of seeds and watering them everyday. In addition,  I've finally had a wake up/Ahaa moment. Don't know if it was due to something I read and finally made a connection that all my niche sites and web 2.0 properties need to work together and feed off one another to maximize my efforts. I also see that 5-10 articles and a couple of articles on Ezines isn't going to do very much. Before, I thought I just had the wrong niches and abandoned them too quickly. Now I see that the niches were probably fine but it was me and my marketing efforts that were the problem.

So, for now I have stopped making more sites and will concentrate on the ones that I already have. I am focusing on quality content,  getting backlinks and article marketing (60+ articles per niche site). I plan to post them on different places (Squidoo - Hubpages - Wordpress - Weebly - other directories) in order to increase my traffic generation. I also need to stop concentrating on Adsense or relying on it and focus more on affiliate sales. In all, I've got to totally revamp my efforts and it is going to take some hard work and effort but I do believe that I will master my niches.


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