Day 7 - I've Been Taking Action

Last Update: June 12, 2010

Hey guys-

I've been taking some action these past few days and am happy to report that I survived. Haha. Unfortunately, I haven't really seen any improvement in my Clickbank sales from my recent efforts  but I still have time to meet my goals. This week, I've discovered Squidoo (thanks PotPieGirl), developed some lenses, tried to get them higher placement (no luck yet they are like #gazillion in ranking), written some articles for a related blogger blog, submitted more relevant articles to Ezines, a press release, and even tried a little social bookmarking and directory submission.

Mind you, this is WAY MORE  than I ever did before. It was confusing, frustrating, confusing and fun at the same time. Although I don't see the efforts of my hard work yet, I now see that none of my efforts were in vain because all my efforts hopefully helped each other out with a little link juice Yum.- Hopefully Mister Google will think so. 

All this to say is that I'm doing more than I did before, am taking massive action and that is what matters the most, right? Hopefully I'll see some more sales soon. 


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fortune_smiles Premium
Sounds like you're on the move! I'm a newbie too and I think I've reached the "ooh, shiny!!!" stage where every article and option seems like it'll be *the* answer. Keep the faith!