3 Week Check In

Last Update: June 29, 2010

Confession time -  although I planned on sticking only to backlinking this month, it didn't work out so well. I really tried - I really and truly did. However, temptation got the best of me and I just had to  build a few more blogs around some really good keywords. 

I tried so hard to only concentrate on the sites I had and backlink only but when researching for my existing sites,  I found more keywords and just had to build sites around them. Yikes. Now I have a few more sites in my mix.

On a more positive note, I am getting much better at building backlinks and seeing my sites as one big network that need to be connected and share the link juice. I have been building Squidoo lenses, submitting to article directories, social bookmarking and a host of other traffic building strategies.  In addition, I've been repurposing my content a bit so that I can multiply my efforts by creating a blog post from an article - a lens from an article - etc. 

I don't think I'll make my $ goal of increasing my residual income by $500 this month but I'm definitely going to try! Keeping my fingers crossed..... 



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mrsloucks Premium
Sound like you have a plan. Keep working away at it and I'm sure with all the work that your doing, it will pay off. Keep up the good work.
fortune_smiles Premium
Sounds awesome to me! I've been reading and building sites and learning the background more than putting stuff out, but now it's time to start creating content. Best wishes!
WriterGig Premium
Oh you sound like me -- I did (I confess) buy two more domain this month BUT I have been concentrating on one niche site for backlinks, keyword density and additional content. Best of luck on your goal!
jatdebeaune Premium
Abolutely great goin'! Brava! I'm spending the month writing articles. Backlinking next month.
moonvine Premium
Wow! Sounds like super progress to me. Maybe August can be my backlinking month. I am creating this month and learning my way around WA! :)