Day 2....Gotta Take Action Now!
Hey there -
As you guys can see, I’ve been an internet marketer for two years now and although I have started and given up many times, I have accomplished a small amount of success that I am proud of. Right now, I make about $2500 a month from my IM efforts. For me, this is really good but only a drop in the bucket cause I have a TON of debt (law school loans, stupid credit cards, etc) that I must pay off. However, the good news is that I really believe that I can do it if I increase my success. Hey, 6 figures from my IM success BEFORE my first year of WA is my new goal. The only problem is that I must stop messing around, trying this and that, and really push it up a notch (or two).
This means that I must really buckle down and get SERIOUS folks. So, in an effort to keep myself on track, I've decided that I must set goals. For the month of June, I'm striving for $3000 a month. I will do this by working smarter and applying what I’m learning with what I already know. Thanks to PotPie Girl’s suggestion, I will create at least 4 brand spanking new Squidoo lenses on various topics (thanks PotPie girl for the motivation) and I will also promote the heck out of WA to see if I can get some members like Writergig did on Day 5. Woohoo. (Nothing like a little competition to get me off my butt and into action). I also intend to finish 4 of the 12 weeks of WA University. Wish me luck cause I plan to do this ALL with the kiddos home for the summer.
I will definitely keep you guys posted!
<!--EndFragment-->Although I signed up on 6/5, I'm really on Day 1 today as my wife had the weekend pretty solidly booked! After I've gotten more familiar with everything in WA I will also set some goals. My initial goal is to create a coherent understanding of how to put this all together by the end of this week. I will then set some more measurable goals.
I've added you to my Buddy list and hope you will reciprocate. You are way ahead of me in building your business, but I will be doing my best to catch you! ;-) Have a great month!