My One Month Action/No Peeking at Money Earned Challenge - Wanna Join Me?

Last Update: August 03, 2010

Hey guys - it has been about a month since I rejoined WA and I can honestly say that I am still loving it and learning a lot. I have been slacking a little bit with training but I am still taking action and applying what I've learned so all is good. However, I have to be completely and totally honest with you - I was getting a little (ok  a lot) frustrated because I didn't see any real changes in my income yet. Mind you I was wasn't expecting a big change but enough to say "You Go Girl".

On a positive note, I did make my very first CPA sale so that was very cool and exciting but that was a a short lived victory cause I wanted more. Well, I'm tired of being frustrated and wanting more and then getting more frustrated cause it isn't coming fast enough. So, I am going to do something I haven't done before - - I am NOT going to concentrate on income for one whole month. I'm not going to worry about it and I'm not going to check my stats or moola 5 times a day. In fact, starting now until August 12, 2010 I am not going to check my moola at all. Instead, I will focus on making and marketing one niche site to the fullest and will market one past site for one month.

I am going to focus on taking action and trust that the results of my hard work and effort will come naturally. . Anyone with me in this very difficult but fulfilling challenge? I am very excited. Come on and join me now.



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kpcwriting Premium
Awesome guys- I am so glad to know that I am not the only one with the checking 20 times a day issue - I must admit that I'm having a bit of withdrawal and was so so tempted but I didn't Hooray for me. Instead, I worked on a lens, wrote an article and did some backlinking and I am now calling it a day for today. 4 hours into it hard core beats 12 hours of goofing off. : ) Oh the beauty of IM.

As for Bamabus, keep at it - that 80 bucks will surely pop up if you keep working at it.Don't get discouraged and I am sure you can be the top gun and get you some cake and frosting too.

Mulamata, don't give up buddy - you are really on the right track. It took me 3 years to figure out the importance of backlinking and building properties that give each other link juice. I actually never heard of ASA but have used isnare in the past with limited returns. I say, just keep writing and working with focus. Keep me posted.

Thanks Maureen - I needed that "You go girl" from someone besides myself. Hahaha. Keep me posted.

Jalde- keep at it too. We can do this together! All focus no distraction and the rewards will come.

OK I'm off to have fun now - enough work. : )
Barnabus Premium
Hi Kristi, Sure I'll jump on board. BTW, Welcome back. I recently returned to WA myself. I missed the camaraderie. IMO,that's an important factor when taking on the diversities of the marketing world, the more so on the internet. Now as far as money goes..I understand completely. When I had my website I was one of those people who checked my adsense money at least 20 times a day. I became frustrated, quit the ppc campaigns and eventually quit the website, marketing, and anything. The money is still there, dormant, just waiting until the other 80 plus dollars shows up. You are right ..focus on the niche.(es).Make it (them)yours..and go from there. With a strong web representation, and sound marketing techniques, the money should start to flow. What's even more surprising is, the money won't give you as much of a head rush as being the 'Top Gun' in your chosen niche. The money will just be the frosting. (of course the frosting with spending In the meantime, I'll be more than happy to become part of your challenge..You can do this.
mulamata Premium
Hi Kristi,

Well come back.

You determination is very encouraging.

I joined in Feb 17th 2010 and to-date haven't got a single penny from my internet affiliate marketing activities. I, some times, think the system does not work so i test it and buy a product through my link. To my surprise the money gets credited to my account. But I have not received a single external sale.

I have concentrated on article marketing as i do not want to spend money on PPC yet. I reason that the money I spend on PPC should come from my article marketing efforts.

10 articles to Ezine, 20 to goarticles, 4 to squidoo, 3 to another directory i do not remember as i am writing this.

This is small for the 6 months i have been on. but i relaxed a bit in between.

I should at least see some little tiny $ sign on any one of these. This will boost my energy and will assure me that i am in the right direction.

I have paid for ASA article directory submitting program which is supposed to submit to 30 directories at a click of a button. but only succeeds to submit to 8. The others return an error message. I will not struggle with the error i will continue submitting to 30 get 8 through for some time now until i feel there are enough there. I am even enjoying article writing.

May be i need to also boycott checking on my account until 3 moths from now so that i concentrate on writing and submitting.

B regards

maureenhannan Premium
You go girl! (There, since you weren't hearing it from the $, just figured I'd throw it in. :-) I'm on board with the dedication part and the checking on sales part. I do have to keep an eye on stats as part of some mentoring I'm getting, but I'm 100% with you on FOCUSING and marketing a niche project to the fullest. Thanks for sharing what's going on and what you're doing to move forward. ~ Maureen
jatdebeaune Premium
Good plan. I'm on board. I find that when you keep looking so much, it takes you off your game. If you sell, it's distracting. If you don't sell, it's distracting. I'm just trying to provide value and see what happens.