My 3 Month Checkup - Time to Refocus Again

Last Update: August 03, 2010

Holy moly batboy (or girl) , I just realized that I've been back on WA for almost 3 months and although I have been taking action, I have NOT accomplished my 3 month goals. Waaaahhhhh. Instead, of increasing my income by $500 more, it is stagnant - right where it was when I started. Now, I've learned alot and 3 months isn't a whole lot of time, right? Ummm wrong. 3 months is too long for  someone like me that has been at this IM stuff for almost 4 years and still makes less than $36,000 a year at this stuff. 

Now, this isn't to say that I'm not proud of myself for my accomplishments but come on - 4 years is way too long and I am much geared up not to be closer to my goals of a six figure income. Other IMers are doing it and I know that I can too. So, what is the problem? The problem is that I've been taking action just the wrong action and I am about to change that. 

You see, I've been doing lots of stuff  but that stuff isn't making me more money.  I have more lenses, Hubs, sites, blogs and a ton of other stuff than I had when I started but my income remains stagnant. Stagnant. So, I'm going to stop searching for the silver lining or whatever it is called and simply concentrate on my proven winners. 

That's right - forget those babies who don't do their job. For the next 3 months I am going to milk my money makers in those niches that have proven to make me money. I  am going to dominate those niches and milk them for all that they are worth. I am going to stop building new stuff and I'm going to build up my traffic on the ones that make me money already. Then, if that works, I can move on. By treating them with extra special care, they will grow and fatten my pocketbooks. To me, this is the winning plan.

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I can so relate--it's so much fun to start new projects but more profitable to focus on a small number and do them well.

I can also relate to the big talent vs. income disparity. I've been scraping by for a long time now (me and my husband), and I recognize that both of us are talented enough to be doing far better. That's a big reason why I'm here. Looking forward to hearing good news from you.
erussell Premium
This is absolutely what I would do too! Once you find something that works, the best thing is to rinse and repeat!
erictransue Premium
Excellent plan! I recently dropped quite a few of my non-performers as well, in order to concentrate on my money makers.
iFaith Premium
A great winning plan for sure! Focusing on your winners for more traffic and conversions is the the way to go. You're on the right track!
NEA03 Premium
I think it sounds great. Milk those babies!