Posts by Lee P. 6
June 30, 2010
Questions, questions… So like just about everyone else here, between my day job and my IM business, I’m pretty darn busy.  Add to that my wife is working on a site of her own and regularly needs my help, I’m bordering on insanely busy. Suffice it to say, I’ve missed a few family social events and what not which (when I do finally attend) inevitably leads to questions…  “Where have you been?”, “What have you been up to?” So I explain in as few words as possible because
I must learn to stop watching my click numbers!  I'm sure it's a noob thing right?  Get up in the morning, check your adsense clicks, check your WA clicks, check your analytics. Eat breakfast, check them all again - cause God forbid someone clicked on something in the 13 minutes it took you to prepare breakfast. Head into work (if you still have to work like I do!).  Work, take a break - check links, adsense, analytics, WA, etc. Work some more - chem them over lunch. 2 clicks?!?!&
June 23, 2010
Or does anyone else have trouble, "turning off" the Internet Marketing thought process?  What I mean is this -  Since I started this journey, I think about it almost non-stop.  I'll be driving to work and a song comes on and i'll be humming along thinking wow that catchy/trendy I wonder if I could market that? Or i'll be at my sisters house in the middle of a conversation and spy the candy dish on her counter and while she's talking to me i'll be thinking... candy dish,
Ok, maybe not THAT great, but... I'm sure there are many people out there that were already familair with this, but when I started looking around I found very little about it. I do a LOT of article writing and because I still work a day job it takes a lot of what little time I have remaining in the evenings and on weekiends. That's fine, it's a necessary sacrifice to further my business, but i'm sure we've all heard the addage, "work smart, not hard".  I was talking to a
June 21, 2010
Ok, i'm having some major trouble staying focused!  It's SOOOO easy to learn so much new stuff along the way that I find myself like a dog on a leash trying to stop and sniff every new smell every 5 feet  haha I keep a notebook and write a lot of it down but it's beginning to stockpile.  I have so much stuff, "i'll get to later" it's almost scary to look at!  Sometimes I do find myself getting off on a tangent and then my current campaign suffers while I learn/rese
June 18, 2010
I've recently been trying my hand at some article marketing (among other things) and after having written articles for ezine and a few of the others I  stumbled across an article site I was previously unfamiliar with called InfoBarrel. InfoBarrel has a lot of similarities to many of the other article sites out there, however - where they differ is the fact they are revenue sharing site!  When you post an article to InfoBarrel they embed the article page with AdSense, Chitika and A