Questions questions...

Last Update: June 30, 2010

Questions, questions…

So like just about everyone else here, between my day job and my IM business, I’m pretty darn busy.  Add to that my wife is working on a site of her own and regularly needs my help, I’m bordering on insanely busy.

Suffice it to say, I’ve missed a few family social events and what not which (when I do finally attend) inevitably leads to questions…  “Where have you been?”, “What have you been up to?”

So I explain in as few words as possible because I know….  That it’ll lead to more questions!   Well how does this work?  Why do you do that?  Can anyone do it?  etc. etc. and my conversations usually end up going something like this:

“So you do internet marketing huh?  I’ve heard of that but not really sure how it works”.


“So how does that work?”

(masked sigh – thinks to self: does he really want to know or is he just making polite conversation?)

Um, there’s a lot to it but in general you produce quality online content, drive traffic and monotonize it in some fashion.  That’s the short answer anyway.

“That’s fascinating!  Tell me more!”

(Hum... Think maybe he’s just trying to appear interested before he heads over to the crab dip he’s been eyeing for the last minute of our conversation)

There’s literally a multitude of ways to make money on the internet!  Everyone just kind of finds what works for them and what doesn’t and sticks with that.

“Wow, so what specifically are YOU doing?”

(Ok – I’m happy to share if he’s really interested.  Let’s test him and find out…)

I hear the crab dip is excellent, have you tried it yet?!?!

I really don’t mind the questions, in fact I love talking about what I do and sharing what I know but in the end it always boils down to this:

“Wow!  That sounds awesome man!  Do you think you can teach me how to do all of that?”

Um, well – I guess.  Never mind I had to endure countless sleepless nights, hours and hours of research and training, time away from family and friends, missed my favorite TV shows for God sakes! Not to mention, spent a lot of money…

But sure, I’ll work you into my busy schedule, take more time away from my family and my business and give it all to you completely free of charge!

I didn’t say that of course though that’s what went through my mind.  I’m sure this happens to you guys to one degree or another – how do you handle it?

I’ve just been trying to deter people like that by saying something like, “oh I don’t do very well at it because I’m new and still learning, or I haven’t made much money at it yet so I’m not sure I’m the one you should be asking!” but almost never seems to put them off.

I’m half tempted to just say, “Classes start at $100/hr, when would you like to start?   :) 

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Lee P. Premium
I was thinking of all this because the 4th is coming up and I was threatened on penalty of death if I don't show. Lot's of people in a confined space and well, you get the drift haha I can see this coming a mile away.

You're right I don't think most people understand the complexity involved and it definitely does go with the territory. I really don't mind the questions (except those that like you mentioned imply or lead to ppl assuming your an idiot or delusional).

I'll have fun i'm sure either way, especially with family coming in from out of town. Just have to relax and ALLOW myself to disconnect for a few - I have a hard time with that.

If I sit still for more than 10 minutes I keep asking myself, "why aren't you working?" haha Then I have to remind myself, "It's OK to stop and enjoy yourself along the way. It's a journey, not a race." Then I feel all better :)
iFaith Premium
You're funny Lee! Still laughing out loud - much thanks! I've missed my share of events and parties and what not because I am too busy with IM and family. But it goes with the territory. And I've learned to accept IM and the work required to make it work, and learning to actually love it after years of half hearted attempts, just makes doing it now fun. And answering or not answering the questions that come up is not really a biggie anymore :o)
jatdebeaune Premium
Lee, That's very funny. At least they're interested enough to want to learn. It's amusing that they think you can just hand it to them. No understanding of the complexity. Like teach me how to be a brain surgeon. My friends don't say a word anymore. I think the whole concept scares them. Not only that, I had to set them straight once when they were acting up about online marketing, saying I was delusional and falling for a scam, just like a gold prospector during the gold rush. It was so insulting, I was forced to institute the Dull Men's club for them. The ones who joined are my real friends. The others just took off.