Greatest thing since Sliced Bread

Last Update: June 21, 2010

Ok, maybe not THAT great, but...

I'm sure there are many people out there that were already familair with this, but when I started looking around I found very little about it. I do a LOT of article writing and because I still work a day job it takes a lot of what little time I have remaining in the evenings and on weekiends.

That's fine, it's a necessary sacrifice to further my business, but i'm sure we've all heard the addage, "work smart, not hard".  I was talking to a friend and remembered that I had an application on my PC from a long time ago called Dragon Naturally Speaking.

In summary, it allows you to speak into a microphone attached to your PC and it instantly transcribes in real time what ever you say!  The average person speakes 3 times faster than the average typist - do the math.  I tested it out on some articles and while it wasn't quite 3 times faster, it was easily double.

If you'd like more detailed information (including how to get Dragon NS), you can view my forum post here.

It's really helped me out a lot - I hope it'll help you guys out too, ESPECIALLY if you do a lot of article writing!


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