Is it just me?

Last Update: June 23, 2010

Or does anyone else have trouble, "turning off" the Internet Marketing thought process?  What I mean is this - 

Since I started this journey, I think about it almost non-stop.  I'll be driving to work and a song comes on and i'll be humming along thinking wow that catchy/trendy I wonder if I could market that?

Or i'll be at my sisters house in the middle of a conversation and spy the candy dish on her counter and while she's talking to me i'll be thinking... candy dish, candy dish - surely I can do something with that!

Keywords music, keywords candy - on and on it goes  LOL

I was eating lunch the other day and reached for the salt shaker and instantly started drilling keywords!  Salt, fine salt, kosher salt, ice cream maker salt!

It's almost like I can't turn it off and I'm sure it's part of the distraction I was talking about in my earlier blog about staying focused.

Anyway - just curious if i'm some sort of attention deficit freak or if that's (somewhat) "normal" for the IM crowd!

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Miguelito203 Premium
It's not just you, Lee. Internet marketing is addictive! It's what I think about when I get up, and what I am thinking about when I go to bed. :-)

Alex604 Premium
Sounds exactly like me, I hadn't thought about it much till now though haha
Jamie Smith Premium
Cheers for sharing this blog, I am the same.
maureenhannan Premium
Yeah (lol), same thing with me. Funny, isn't it? In fact, I just blogged about that same phenomenon yesterday in my WA blog space. Glad to know I'm not alone. :-)
Sherion Premium
I don't know if that is normal or not. But, I do find myself doing the same thing! Oh no, it is probably contagious with all of us newbies. lol