InfoBarrel Article Site

Last Update: June 18, 2010

I've recently been trying my hand at some article marketing (among other things) and after having written articles for ezine and a few of the others I  stumbled across an article site I was previously unfamiliar with called InfoBarrel.

InfoBarrel has a lot of similarities to many of the other article sites out there, however - where they differ is the fact they are revenue sharing site!  When you post an article to InfoBarrel they embed the article page with AdSense, Chitika and Amazon ads/links, etc. and you get 75% of the revenue generated from your article!

They have regular contests which include increased click-through revenue (sometimes up to 90%), gift certificates etc..  They allow self serving links as well.  The process to get posted is very similar to any of the other article sites and for a relatively new article site are already a generous PR4 so articles posted their have a decent chance of ranking on Google somewhat quickly.

The site is growing quickly and as you know getting in a good thing early is always the best time!  As with all things, it takes time to build revenue but the more articles you write the more it comes! 

If you've considered Internet Marketing with Google AdSense or Chitika and aren't sure where to start, this seems (to me) like a good place to get your feet wet.  If you'd like to register with InfoBarrel and give it a go you may do so here:

Take me to InfoBarrel so I can sign up!

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Lee P. Premium
You're most welcome! I hope it helps!
phbreez Premium
;Great post...thanks....I'll do it.... Phil