Staying Focused!

Last Update: June 21, 2010

Ok, i'm having some major trouble staying focused!  It's SOOOO easy to learn so much new stuff along the way that I find myself like a dog on a leash trying to stop and sniff every new smell every 5 feet  haha

I keep a notebook and write a lot of it down but it's beginning to stockpile.  I have so much stuff, "i'll get to later" it's almost scary to look at! 

Sometimes I do find myself getting off on a tangent and then my current campaign suffers while I learn/research something else.  I usually try to justify that it's "related" but that would be a stretch at best  :)

How do you all stay focused?  How do you keep from getting distracted over and over again? 

I've posted several questions here, but very seldom do I get any answers or feedback (still waiting two weeks now on a question I both posted and PM'd Kyle on) about the WA feeder sites (the prices were all wrong).

Not sure if my questions just aren't interesting enough or what?  I may just start posting them here and see what happens, perhaps I"ll get better/quicker feedback!

Anyway, thanks for letting me vent!  Feedback on how you guys stay focused would be helpful!  Good luck to all and take care! 

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Garage667 Premium
Hey there Lee!It's pretty difficult when you start out with IM to stay focused but you ll be better at this as the time moves on.I know that all this stuff can be very overwhelming but try this one ; put a schedule every single day and stick to it.There is no need to be pushed..Say to your self eg today i will do this and only this and it will take me 2 hours.Next day, i ll do this...and so on..
jatdebeaune Premium
Hi Lee, I don't know why your questions aren't being answered. People here are usually right on it. Put "HELP!" on your headline. That should get em. As for staying focused, it's a constant challenge. Think of it like a box of chocolates. You own the whole box, but for your health, you can eat only 2 pieces at a time. Even if you want that nougat, forget about it. You can have it tomorrow. It's really discipline. If you realize it's not going away, you'll relax more. As for all the email offers, I just exercise the delete button. Even if you save all that stuff, you couldn't possibly read all of it anyway. Slows you down.
Lee P. Premium
Thanks guys! I'm trying to stick with what you're doing Dean in making sure I at least do 1 thing every day just to keep things moving forward! Good advice for sure!
dosborne08 Premium
Hey hows it going. Yeah it gets overwhelming at times. It still happens to me but I altleast make sure that I do atleast one thing every day (ex. write an article, write blog post, get new back link, etc).

In time, they should all add up to something...

Im still interested to hear what others are doing to stay focused and on track. Good Luck!

mrpoxon Premium
Lee I wish I could help, but I seem to have the same problem only maybe worse. I am on so many mailing lists I find myself sifting through 30+ IM emails a day at least. If you get any good responses I would love to hear them as well. All the best Lee