Posts by LinaOh 9
July 21, 2011
Hello Everybody! Don't know for sure if you remember who I am but I was (am) the loud mouth and high energy WA Affiliate from early this year. I left because I did something dramatic and needed to conserve my dollars and cents; I quit a job I absolutely hated and decided to go freelance as a web designer & developer.  The Best Decision I've Ever Made. Can't say that it's been easy. Can you see the sweat beads flying off my forehead? But it's been awesome and that's what it's all about.
February 08, 2011
... IS YOU.  Yeah, that's right. Not Ted Nicholas, John Carlton, Joe Sugarman, Frank kern or _______ (fill in the blank with whomever).      They Are All Great. But Can't Do Shit For You. Check this out. A couple years back, let's say in 2006, I came up with the idea to start the next big publishing solutions company for self publishers. Awesome idea but how the hell was I going to do it?  It never occurred to me to look up courses or programs on "how to start
February 05, 2011
I remember back in 2006 when I was deployed in support of the war, I used to sit around sometimes bored as hell, laptop in front of me during those seconds waiting on the dial up to load a page lol. Don't get it twisted, any internet connection was awesome.  We used to get one day off to "relax"and on those great days I would be on the net researching how to create sites. It was like my distraction from remembering I was away from the world. I thought I was the sh!t. I would crea
February 04, 2011
So I just started my spring semester and this is my first semester in advertising. It's awesome. All I'm trying to do is transfer what I learn from the classroom into the online sector. I can't honestly tell you what I would like to do with this degree but the education is irreplaceable. I figured since I get to go to school for free, might as well learn something inline with advertising and marketing. Anyways, no boring details, just making short updates. Enjoy the week and make it a great one!
January 27, 2011
Disclaimer: This is a certified venting session, certified by ME.  I was called into my manager's office today and told that my job is in jeopardy. Monday, we had a discussion about policies at this call center I won't name.  The reason I was invited to a meeting is because I hung up on a couple customers who were filthy rude. I took full responsibility and was honest. In fact, we're told that if we get an abusive caller, politely set the rules and disconnect.  Anyways, that's nei
How many of you viewed this? I got word of it while I was at work and all I can say is... this has to be a rumor. Listen, Weekly World News supposedly reported that Mark Zuckerberg expressed through a phone interview that he is too stressed and Facebook is out of control.  "..go outside and make real friends" Wow. Is it believable? Yeah.  Is it a rumor? Hell yeah. Come on. Look who's reporting this bullshit.  Weekly World News. The famous tabloid that reports nonsense,
January 01, 2011
So since I woke up this afternoon (late night new years lol), I've been online looking for a site template for an existing site. I've been racking my brain trying to figure out how to make this site better, as of matter of fact it would be best if I told you about it, huh? lol. I launched Purple Bricks Studio in early October with underground artists in mind, not just musicians but visual artists, indie directors, writers, etc. The main purpose of this site is to provide resources such as tuts,
1 comment
December 29, 2010
I just realized something earlier today when I was looking through the pages of WA. I got to admit, I was a tad restless and bored, like I had nothing to do, than I remembered I have this new site I created that definitely needed some fresh content, maybe even write some articles in Ezines.  Anyways what I realized is "Focus" is huge when trying to get your campaigns situated online. I'm that type of person that gets so excited with ideas that when it comes to organizing them... *
This is a question I ask myself only because when I purchase one product that seems to teach the fundamentals of internet or affiliate marketing, another product, membership, service, ebook, course reveals itself and it's like, "I got to have it"!  I might be classified as a Junkie. This is why I was hesitant about subscribing to WA. All these resources offer the same info differently and its all in the copy. The copy always sells me. I read this post on the warrior forum where