Do You Know This IM Guru?

Last Update: February 09, 2011

... IS YOU. 

Yeah, that's right. Not Ted Nicholas, John Carlton, Joe Sugarman, Frank kern or _______ (fill in the blank with whomever).

     They Are All Great. But Can't Do Shit For You.

Check this out. A couple years back, let's say in 2006, I came up with the idea to start the next big publishing solutions company for self publishers.

Awesome idea but how the hell was I going to do it? 

It never occurred to me to look up courses or programs on "how to start a business". 

I just went out and did it. Registered the domain, found out where to buy barcodes for books and even landed distribution. 

Completely In The Dark At This Point.

I didn't care. I was happy that I had something going on and honestly I felt like a big shot.

Weeks went by and then it happened.

             I Got Freakin' Stuck Man.

How do I transform this idea, water the plant and make it grow? 

Frustrated to say the least, this type of shit was bound to happen. You see, I stopped "doing" and kept dreaming. Dreaming of this empire that would... what? 

Create itself? Yup. No giving up. I set aside some time to work out the kinks and it started with research, but where to start? Cue the Aha moment.

      Find A Blueprint of Someone Who's Done It. 

And that I did. 

I found by searching Google (damn, they sure do know it all huh?) and started taking notes. LuLu published all kinds of material and media, from books, mags, newsletters and music.

Excuse me for saying this, but they were fucking awesome. 

Everything that I wanted to create was right here in front of me. It intimidated me and excited me all at once.

As extensive as their site was at that time (their HUGE today by the way), I wanted to dominate. 

No way was I going to do that without creating a web script to mirror theirs and draw up the kind of content they have already delivered.

And Then I Threw In That Stinky Towel.

Not because I didn't want the business. Not because I didn't think I can do it.

Because I knew it was time for capital. Bucks for the business.  It was all starting to get really pricey.

Being I was stuck overseas on a military base at the time and the net was my outlet, I got going on IM schemes. 

Bought disgusting amounts of IM courses. Programs. More courses and programs.

Nothing worked. Not a damn thing. And we all know why it didn't work, right? Don't you feel it coming...

     'Cause All That Shit is Worthless. Every Bit.

You can buy advice by the boat load but it's all trash.

It's trash because unless you're going to get up off your ass and use a drop of these resources from those who did it before you, why waste your money?

Instead use that money to INvest in your business. Not the next best shiny thing.

I know about the mental high. Trust me. It's smells like a great plate of Puerto Rican rice and chicken (my fav!). 

But that's all false productivity. It's temporary. 

Go reread everything you've bought. Listen to those audio clips. I bet they are all still good today.

             Then Get Back To Work.

If you think buying those "guru" products gave you a mental high, wait 'till you start making sales. 

That should snap your ass right back to action.

And so what if you fail. You're guaranteed to fail. Tons. So?

Try again. Try differently. Test and retest. Test some more.

Show that YOU are the greastest IM guru you've ever known.

Than double it.

Peace and to all your success and sweat,


P.S. Want to know what ever happened to being the next in demand self publishing solutions company on the planet? Keep a watch out for my next blog on "Relationship and Commitment Issues". Toodles. 

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linaOh Premium
Hey @ number1wastudent! Getting dirty is awesome. Why not? It will only prove how much you want it for yourself in the long run, I believe. Have a great time! @jatdebeaune, you are damn right. I wish I would have known that seven years ago, just taking the time to study the methods of madness versus falling for the first marketer who piloted promises with no landing (if that makes sense)!
Good Sir! Hat's off to you for posting this! I needed this good read.
It has been a productive day @ the office, but I need to "GET Dirty" on my own stuff!
jatdebeaune Premium
I identified with so much that you said. When you have all that material to plow through, it gets intimidating. The interesting thing about IM is that you have to plow through blueprints in order to find what will work in your particular case if you not doing classic affiliate marketing. Sometimes just studying your competition's site will help to see what they did, and see how you can do it better or differently. Now I can't wait for your next blog.