Losing Interest BADLY

Last Update: January 29, 2011

Disclaimer: This is a certified venting session, certified by ME. 

I was called into my manager's office today and told that my job is in jeopardy. Monday, we had a discussion about policies at this call center I won't name. 

The reason I was invited to a meeting is because I hung up on a couple customers who were filthy rude. I took full responsibility and was honest. In fact, we're told that if we get an abusive caller, politely set the rules and disconnect. 

Anyways, that's neither here or there.

I was sent home w/pay today to think over whether or not I really want to continue with this company. Great deal for me, but wish I could say "Actually, I quit. I have a career lined up". 

 When I ventured into IM, I had all the motivation in the world. And lately... not so much. Not because I don't work for it. 

I write articles.

I've designed websites. 

I haven't ppc'd yet but will. Anyways...

I have a passion for this. And I won't stop. I know IM makes money because I'm putting money in the online market RIGHT NOW, as are you. I am on SEVERAL LISTS. 

So there is no reason why I can't be apart of it, the other side of the fence. And that motivates me.

Just can't wait to see some dollars and cents.

So I guess the bottom line of this random and unorganized venting  session is I wish I could say to my boss "I apologize but I have chosen a different route that works and as always, it's been a pleasure." lol. 

Thanks for your time and much success.


UPDATE: Had an awesome meeting today! Start back fresh on Monday with the motivation of bringing my sales and performance back up 110%.  As for IM, I am back on track, killing it. Thanks for the advice and pick-me-ups everyone!

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dec944 Premium
OK. I'm the bi&ch on this site. I was a corporate HR and M&A exec for multi-billion dollar companies, so I'll tell you what you are not hearing, then tell you my IM two cents.

"Go home and think about it" is code for if you stay and screw up one more time you will be terminated with cause. Now that they've thrown down the gauntlet, if you hose this up it may be treated as a deliberate act of insubordination and breach of company policy. The fact they sent you home is a powerful message; it is beyond "knock it off". You are beyond "on notice".

Now, unless you have a trust fund or live with someone who pays the rent you better take serious note of what they are "telling you" and get a plan.. If you are serious about IM you need to go beyond "writing articles" and "designing websites". If you need to pay rent with it, it is a business that requires serious business methodology. If you have a passion for it, go for it but it needs to be a part of your overall plan.

But in the meantime, eating may be attractive to you. If you want and need a job and want to stay where you are, put some serious thought into how you're going to make it work. Ask them how to handle rotten customers, when to flag a super, how to check and see if you're doing all right. Make them believe you seriously want to be there. You own this. They are looking to see how you respond. Be sincere, and if you need a job you may even have to grovel a bit.

Then, take the opportunity to work nights and weekends to build a business around IM because the reality is passion is not enough. This is work. Full time work. It's not a job-it's your business.

Good luck on this one. I know being on the ropes at a job is tough, but I used to ask people every day, "if you got fired today, what would you do tomorrow?" Everyone should have a plan.
Wayne Hudler Premium
Ugly situation.

Be calm, confident and calculating in how you handle both your current job and you IM career. You are not a victim! Take charge!

Move confidently in the direction of your dreams.

Press forward.
andys43us Premium
I agree with both Joan and Labman. And I also love that expression. When I feel bummed out by the circumstances, I listen to this song by Ok Go named "This too shall pass." here is the youtube link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qybUFnY7Y8w
jatdebeaune Premium
Labman's advice is so right. Even when it hurts, it pays to be completely professional. Use it as incentive to move forward toward your goals with renewed passion. My favorite expression is "This too will pass"
Labman_1 Premium
Keep plugging away at it, keep your plans secret for now and when it starts bearing fruit you can just smile and tell your boss to have a nice life. Try not to burn any bridges, its amazing how that will come back to haunt you years down the road. ( Speaking from experience here)