Facebook Shutting down on March 15th?

Last Update: January 08, 2011

How many of you viewed this? I got word of it while I was at work and all I can say is... this has to be a rumor.

Listen, Weekly World News supposedly reported that Mark Zuckerberg expressed through a phone interview that he is too stressed and Facebook is out of control. 

"..go outside and make real friends"

Wow. Is it believable? Yeah. 

Is it a rumor? Hell yeah. Come on. Look who's reporting this bullshit. 

Weekly World News. The famous tabloid that reports nonsense, yet interesting, articles like "Bat Boy" and "Big Foot".

Google it. It's hilarious. 

Here's to countin' down to March 15th, 2011. If it happens, get ready to hear the whaling sound of teenage girls crying everywhere. 

Don't front. You know you'll be crying, too. lol. 


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