Addicted to Affiliate Programs?

Last Update: December 25, 2010

This is a question I ask myself only because when I purchase one product that seems to teach the fundamentals of internet or affiliate marketing, another product, membership, service, ebook, course reveals itself and it's like, "I got to have it"! 

I might be classified as a Junkie.

This is why I was hesitant about subscribing to WA. All these resources offer the same info differently and its all in the copy. The copy always sells me. I read this post on the warrior forum where the discussion included buyers who purchased one program and will easily purchase another one because of boredom or hope that this program will deliver on their dreams. In the last three years, I've purchased blueprints, all sorts of courses with packs of cds and once paid $1997 for the SGR Program. You heard of it? 

 Anyways, the bottom line is, I think I bought hopes rather than acknowledging the work part of it. What do you think? Have you been here before? Are you here now?

By the way, the reason I subscribed to WA is because of the fact that their is so much free material on the net for grabs, but having it all in one place is incredible. And there is nothing like organization. Something highly important when trying to grow in anything. 


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dblacksmith Premium
I too have bought a number of courses, ebooks, memberships etc. I am a bit addicted to learning, but the doing is what pays. If you can only start with 1 hour of productive time such as getting a few links back to your website or writing one article. Plus get it up on an article directory. Then take the next 3 hours for more research, it will at least be a start.

I have found that my income is proportional to the amount of actual links etc. that I put out on the net. WA has a ton of good information. I have followed maybe 1 % and have had results.

Study something and try it. If you like it run with it for a while, and see if it starts making you some money.

Good luck.
linaOh Premium
Thanks for the advice! From what I've seen so far, I'm impressed. So excited and actually been making big use of my time here. Nice to meet you.
Labman_1 Premium
Ah, the next best shiney thing. Hopes are one thing. But hope doesn't get you there without hard work. Learn what you can here there is much to learn. Put yourself out there and keep at it. All the shiney things are here you just need to work at it. If you need help just ask there are many here who have the knowledge you are looking for.
linaOh Premium
You're absolutely right. And it never felt so good to make a move. Thanks for commenting dabk. A pleasure to meet you.
DABK Premium
Been there, done that. Stopped it. Must act. A mediocre program that you act on is better than amazing programs you read, watch, read again.