Buying and Selling Websites

Last Update: February 05, 2011

I remember back in 2006 when I was deployed in support of the war, I used to sit around sometimes bored as hell, laptop in front of me during those seconds waiting on the dial up to load a page lol. Don't get it twisted, any internet connection was awesome. 

We used to get one day off to "relax"and on those great days I would be on the net researching how to create sites. It was like my distraction from remembering I was away from the world.

I thought I was the sh!t. I would create a flash element and think, "damn, I'm nice" lol. I know. I was corny but it just felt great to be doing something that not too many people around me knew how to do and not only that, I LOVED doing it. All types of sites. 

Than about two years later I started to get bored. Felt stuck. I created sites and didn't know anything about monetizing/ads/backlinks NOTHING. I just stuck with what I knew: creating the front end design.

I grabbed a every resource I could on coding from css to xhtml to scripting with php. 

Last year is when it finally made sense and my excitement was set on fire all over again. I Googled "ways to make money online" and got this website It mentioned website flipping and at the time, I had no idea what the hell it meant. 

After that, I looked up EVERYTHING I could on site flipping and of course I ran into every affiliate marketer selling the "only resource you'll ever need" ebooks and yada yada. 

Finally, I came across Buying and Selling Websites.Yeah, I guess you can say by this point I expected this site to be like every other bs one I came across but honestly, I was sold on wealth of info that was public. Wealthy Affiliate reminded me of this site when I first signed on. 

I actually thought that maybe Wealthy Affiliate was started by the same owners of Buying and Selling Websites because it's a partnered group, too! Wouldn't be impossible. But anyway...

It compliments that awesome wabinar on site flipping on WA. If you're interested in taking on site flipping, judge BASW for yourself. 

Stay Ambitious,



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linaOh Premium
I agree. It's exciting but very easy to get low balled on a site you not only worked hard on, but made profitable. Trust me! I sold my first site last October on Ebay (big mistake) and it wasn't until the very last second of the auction where someone bid .99cents and won. And you know what? Even though it sold for a buck I was excited as hell like yeahhhhh I made my first dollar! lol. Now I stick with flippa. Not that it's safer, but there's more serious bidders there and as long as you do your own due diligence on your bidders before accepting their bids, you should be fine. Happy Flipping!
jatdebeaune Premium
Thanks Lina. I'll check out BASW. Flipping sites can be a good way to make money. When I have many sites up and they're somewhat profitable, and decide to let some go, I'm going flip them too.