Posts by Lisawells 15
Okay, I figured it out - not so hard after going to You Tube for how to put a banner on a page! I did it, yay! Everything about this process is learning, but so fun when you finally get it.Kyle said there would be a button under the editing pane to exclude a page from your Menu. But I just could not find it. I could find the numbering option but nothing to check to exclude from Menu. No idea how to do that. Perhaps if I search WA I will find out.Anyway, I did get one thing right!
June 05, 2012
I have been feeling a bit overwhelmed. I wanted to write a page for my blog site so much, but so many things have intervened that I haven't been able to focus. I had a two day assembly for my congregation which was so uplifting and inspiring - and my faith is of utmost importance to me - but I came home each day of the weekend exhausted and ready for sleep! So no writing this past weekend. I have five potentially money-making projects under way that I spent working on yesterday; so today
I really had a bit of trouble getting inspired for the second article - but it was just a matter of deciding on which of many ideas to develop. Once I decided, it was lots of fun, since I love talking about gardening and there is so much to talk about - interesting at least to other gardeners I hope. I'm anxious to keep moving forward! My blog isn't really ready to be viewed yet - there are still admin things to do but I haven't (I guess) gotten to that part of the training, so wh
May 26, 2012
It's way beyond time, but I'm finally writing my first article. Life gets so crazy sometimes and I've been distracted with survival issues, preparing my garden, et al. We have just had some very cold weather and a combination of snow/hail - what do you call it when it's like styrofoam pellets? Anyway, had to protect all my tiny vegetable seedlings and spent lots of times outside. Also had a three day yard sale. All of this has slowed my progress, but I've spent lots of t
I just wanted to get started with this blog - but I wrote a post and it just disappeared at the point of Tagging, whatever that is. Guess I'll try again. Very excited that I joined WA! Got started in the 10 free trial days and am so glad I'm here as a member now. Have fallen a bit behind in the training as I've had to be away for a few days. I do get immobilized with anxiety about $$ fairly often these days as I really need to find a way online to earn some fast/soon. Anxiety and w