I'm Going for it!

Last Update: June 12, 2010

Well Hello Fellow Wealthy Affiliates,

Just want to let you know I just set up my new WA Blog and Funnel System, got my domain, set up my first autoresponder through Aweber and I am ready to go.

Sometimes I don't really know what I'm doing, so I just start taking action.  (What do all those buttons mean in Aweber?  How do I set up my domain email?).  It will all come into place.  As long as I'm doing something every day towards this business, eventually it will pay off.  

Still working on completing the Article Marketing Certification Course.  I highly recommend it.  I am learning so much.  I'm almost done with lesson 5.

 I was a little bummed out this morning but everything will be fine.   I got another job offer while I was out and about today.  I've just got to stay focused and keep working towards this business every day.

 Remember, learn this stuff.  It's a skill you will be able to use the rest of your life and your income follows your personal growth.

Well, I've got to get back to work.  Just wanted to give you the update.  

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iFaith Premium
Kristy, your momentum and excitement is inspiring - Good Job - and Keep Going and Going!
AngelinaJames Premium
Good luck with everything. I'm new here and it's a little overwhelming at first. But we all just need to keep plugging along. Eventually it will pay off!
jatdebeaune Premium
That's wonderful. I hear good things about the certification courses here. Makes me want to do it too.