I've Been Slacking!

Last Update: May 09, 2010

Where do I start? I've been slacking and stuck writing my next three articles for the last couple of weeks.  I've been working at a job that stresses me out so bad.  They like to use fear to motivate.  "Do this or you won't have a job tomorrow".  Not just to me, but to the whole department.  I'm tired of it and went and got a new job.  I put my two weeks notice in and will start my new job in one week. 

Now that I've got that problem taken care of I can now spend my spare time doing what I really enjoy.  Internet Marketing.  Oh, did I say that my new job allows me to work from home?  That means more study time.  Yea...

 We have a great opportunity here and WA.  If you just do something everyday towards your online business, you will make money.  Some faster than others, but that's ok.  Just keep plugging away and the money will follow.  I haven't made my first dollar yet and that's ok.  I'm having so much fun doing this and learning so much.  I know SEO and am learning Article Marketing.  These are skills we can use the rest of our lives.

 Remember!  Your income follows your personal growth and there is always a price to pay in life.  Pay now or pay later with interest.  I'll pay now and have FUN later  with INTEREST! 

See you there!

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WriterGig Premium
I hope you can get your motivation back and move forward! WA is a great program, I love it so far ... wishing you the best in your journey. :)
martyn01202 Premium
I too just started working from home full time. It's a different world, isn't it? I wish you all the best in your new position :-)
jatdebeaune Premium
I love what you just said. So true. Thanks.