Posts by Lovin_life67 15
February 22, 2011
Hello to all my Wealthy Affiliate Friends, I am sorry to say that I am going to be leaving.  I got laid off from my job and have been on unemployment for the last 5 months.  It has been really tight and my one year paid in full is just about up. I have learned so much here and met some really neat people. Kyle and Carson are great and maybe one day I'll come back.  At this point in my life I've got to decide where I"m going from here.  I will definitely continue down t
I would like to wish my Wealthy Affiliate family a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS.  I hope that you get to have good times with family and friends during this time of year and always.  We need to appreciate all these moments, because we will never know what day is our last.  Most important is that we need to remember "The Real Reason for the Season" and that it is the celebration of the "Birth of Jesus Christ."  I do not mean to offend anyone. Using the modern scien
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All I can say is, WOW!  This club is absolutely amazing.  Even though I have been working my butt off learning as much as possible ever since I joined, this club has taken me to a whole new level in Internet Marketing. So far, I've created a website with about 5 pages plus a blog posts.  Blasted out a bunch of articles and posted them to AM directories.  Added Adsense and Kontera to my website and I have over 425 page view with visitors staying on average of 9 minutes to my s
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Ok, so I worked my butt off last week and completed Lesson 5 for the Article Marketing Certification Course.  Except for the final posting.  Squidoo is saying that my topic is banned.  I edited, edited, edited, and edited and still the same.  Changed titles, took out WA links, still the same.  Has anyone gone through this?  What did you do to fix it?  Should I not say the words Internet Marketing? Wealthy Affiliate?  Affiliate Marketing?  Work at Hom
With every thing going on in my life I have been stuck on the Article Marketing Certification Lesson 5 for way too long. I got laid off from my job a couple of weeks ago.  I will be getting unemployment and I just had a job interview yesterday (the second one with this company).  I do hope I get the job, because I have to pay bills and need to provide for my kids. With this extra time I've been getting a little side tracked from completing this course.  I've learned how to make so
Hello all, Here's my latest update.  I've been out of the loop, but now I'm back. It has been a crazy last few months.  I relocated to the beautiful resort town of Bishop, California and started my new job on July 6th.  For the last three months I've been working the job, getting everything moved up here, getting my other car up here, getting unpacked and settled in and now finally getting the energy to start studying & working the biz again.  Then guess what happens?&n
June 28, 2010
Just wanted to give you the update on my life.  I started a new job for a new company mostly a verbal thing.  It didn't work out and I'm out $800 I thought I would be getting this month.  So most of my time has been preoccupied with looking for job and the whole thing has just drained me.  I wish that I would be stronger and just start typing articles like crazy.  Then I got a job offer in Bishop.  I always wanted to live in Bishop.  I thought that I could put
June 12, 2010
Well Hello Fellow Wealthy Affiliates, Just want to let you know I just set up my new WA Blog and Funnel System, got my domain, set up my first autoresponder through Aweber and I am ready to go. Sometimes I don't really know what I'm doing, so I just start taking action.  (What do all those buttons mean in Aweber?  How do I set up my domain email?).  It will all come into place.  As long as I'm doing something every day towards this business, eventually it will pay off. &nbs
June 12, 2010
I have just been informed that I will not be getting paid for my last two weeks of work.  I was under the agreement of a base pay plus commission.  All on a trust basis for a new company.  I like the guy and what he stood for.  He paid me for my first two weeks of work.  Well, he had a stroke and is in the hospital.  (I do hope he gets well soon).  The wife is now taking over and says commission only.  The first week was training and putting the script and
May 09, 2010
Where do I start? I've been slacking and stuck writing my next three articles for the last couple of weeks.  I've been working at a job that stresses me out so bad.  They like to use fear to motivate.  "Do this or you won't have a job tomorrow".  Not just to me, but to the whole department.  I'm tired of it and went and got a new job.  I put my two weeks notice in and will start my new job in one week.  Now that I've got that problem taken care of I