I'm Half Way Through the Article Marketing Club

Last Update: November 09, 2010

All I can say is, WOW!  This club is absolutely amazing.  Even though I have been working my butt off learning as much as possible ever since I joined, this club has taken me to a whole new level in Internet Marketing.

So far, I've created a website with about 5 pages plus a blog posts.  Blasted out a bunch of articles and posted them to AM directories.  Added Adsense and Kontera to my website and I have over 425 page view with visitors staying on average of 9 minutes to my site.  I'm getting backlinks and learning about Social Bookmarking.  My new website just bumped the number one guy down to number 3 position with Google.  Been learning about SEO. 

There is so much to learn and the WA Article Marketing Club gave me the just the push I needed.  Now as I look back with hind site I see that one of the places that I went wrong was not writing enough articles.  It doesn't have to be perfect, "Just Do It."  The more you plug out and get targeted traffic to your website the better.  It's a numbers game also...so just keep plugging away and your day will come.

 I encourage anyone who is looking to advance your skills as an Internet Marketer to Join the Clubs.  It's WORK, but worth it! 

In the meantime, just keep studying and implementing. Ask for help when you need it.  I have not met one Internet Marketer who did not want to help another.

Wealthy Affiliate is a GREAT PLACE and we want to see YOU ALL SUCCEED . 

p.s. "Thank You", Marcus for the WA Club and "THANK YOU", Kyle and Carson for Wealthy Affiliate.

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Fallulah Premium
Totally agree lovin_life67. Of all the IM investments I've made, WA is without a shadow of a doubt the best one. I'm dealing with a lot of (none-IM) challenges right now and I'm crazy frustrated but there is no way I would let WA or my IM stuff go - it's just unthinkable. It's great to hear you're doing so well and achieving such well deserved results :))