Merry Christmas to My Wealthy Affiliate Family

Last Update: December 25, 2010

I would like to wish my Wealthy Affiliate family a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS.  I hope that you get to have good times with family and friends during this time of year and always.  We need to appreciate all these moments, because we will never know what day is our last.  Most important is that we need to remember "The Real Reason for the Season" and that it is the celebration of the "Birth of Jesus Christ."  I do not mean to offend anyone.

Using the modern science of probability it is very unlikely for any one man could fulfill all the prophecies that Jesus has fulfilled.  We are living in some very uncertain times.  We need to make sure that our hearts are right with our Lord.  He said he's gonna come back and get us.  Are you ready?


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jatdebeaune Premium
Nothing that celebrates love and kindness can ever offend me. Kristy, You have every right to express your deep personal religious beliefs without having to worry about offending someone. We're all different and that's just fine. Our society needs to respect everybody, yes, even Christians. PC gets on my nerves. I'm happy for people who have ideals. And you're right, Christmas celebrates the birth of Jesus. The spirit of giving, brotherhood, forgiveness, and love are important lessons that Jesus taught. Great ideas have come from Buddha and an assortment of other ascended masters. I respect and learn from all of them. So a very Merry Christmas to you too.