Am I turning into an Internet Marketing Geek.

Last Update: February 24, 2010

Well, it's been about a month and a half now since I joined WA.  This has been great and I am learning so much.  When I share with people what I'm doing.  They say, "I don't have a clue what you are talking about."  I'm trying to talk in laymans terms, but for some reason I have to explain in further detail.  That must mean I'm learning something.  It is really nice to be a part of WA with the support of other like minded entrepreneurs.  At least we can talk to each other and be Internet Marketing Geeks together. : )

At this point in my studies, I am going in three directions heading down the same road.  If that made any sense.  One is promoting Super WA. Just got my second blog done and working on the articles.  Next I'm working on STF Affiliate Marketing program and then I'm going to get certified in Article Marketing.  I hope I'm not trying to do too much at the same time.  I figure the Article Marketing Certification will give me a good strong foundation and will get me going on  the other stuff.  

My only bummer is that there seems to not be enough time in the day to get as  much done as I would like.  As soon as I'm getting into it I have to get back to work (cause I'm on my lunch) or in the morning before work.  So I have now decided to get up extra early to do my studies.  The goal is 4 am, but it will probably be 5am for a while since the time change is coming up.

I am very serious about this Internet Marketing stuff and I will do what ever it takes to get me to where I can do this full time.

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Jamie Smith Premium
Proud of your hustle, keep up the hard work!