My First Two Articles Got Accepted!

Last Update: March 05, 2010

 Yea...My first two articles got accepted with Ezine Articles.  I am so happy.  That was the first implementation of what I learned at WA.  It took me a while to get them done.  First I would go back and double check the keywords and think about changing them.  Then I just decided.."I'm going to do it."  Stop going back and double checking, just go forward.  My 30 days is almost up, I better post them or they will delete my account at Ezine Articles.  So I'm typing and it's like I'm at 250 words, half way there.  Finally I get to 500 words on my first two articles.  I have one more to go to submit a total of three.  I was working on the third article and my MS Word messed up and couldn't find the file.  I'm like awwww.  Ok, so I type a second one with a different set of keywords and it messed up again and cannot open the file.  So here I am going the write the third article and get it posted.  I'm doing three things right now with WA.  The Super Wealthy Affiliate training (which is Awesome), the STF Training (Strip the Fat, Awesome too) and the Article Marketing Certification (Awesome as well).  So it's like I'm taking three college classes at the same time.  Atleast that's what it feels like except it's all self discipline and motivation.  My thoughts on that is, "There is always a price to pay in life for everything, pay now or pay later with Interest.  I'm paying now so that I can have fun later with Interest.  I hope to connect with more of you and we can all have fun together with interest.  : )

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lovin_life67 Premium
Thank you. : )
cld111 Premium
Great job! And I like how you came to an obstacle (your computer messing up your articles) and you still didn't let it stop you. I might have shut my computer down at that point. I might have thrown it out the window. LOL. Keep it up! And gold for you!