Posts by Maghdalena 13
Just wanted everyone to know that my new post just  got published on my blog.This wasn't the easiest post to write as I am still learning about beliefs and their effect on our lives and how our lives can be sabotaged by beliefs we don't even know we have, or if we do, we don't know how to change them. I'm starting to get more confident in writing posts, now if I can just become as confident in writing articles for Ezine Articles and Street articles.  Anyway, take a look if you want. St
I've been very busy this past month working on my website, studying my self-sabotage and beliefs niche, learning about myself and working on my blog that I've had up for the past month.  I'm already getting lots of comments which I did not suspect because up until 2 weeks ago, I haven't even publicized it. I'm working to remedy that, and it is coming, but I'm still learning about bringing traffic to my blog. This next month, I'm planning on focusing on: Getting my website done and publishe
I've been doing a lot of thinking, taking stock and soul-searching.  I have a domain that's been languishing waiting for me to do something with it and this is an area that has caught my interest. The domain I'm talking about is called Victory Infopublishing. What I want to do with this is help people, (and myself) from the depths of despair and self-sabotage and limiting beliefs to the summits of success and victory. I've had this idea rattling in my head for about 10 years, but didn't hav
This is my first day for my first WA Article Writers STF Club. I have my domain and it is in the process of being approved. I've never done this before, but I figure, what the heck? It will get me out the barn door at least for the weight loss niche while I am doing research for guitarist health. I think it's related anyway because if you don't eat right, or have a healthy lifestyle, your health as an individual and a guitarist will suffer. This includes bad posture, not taking in the right nutr
For anyone who is interested, a new social network launched a little while ago, that might help some of you or be of interest. It's like Facebook, but it's focus is on helping Internet Marketers get the word out and online marketing. It's free to sign up, but there is a paid "Pro" version for anyone who is interested in expanding their exposure. Here's where you go: IM FacePlate  Smiles and Bright Blessings,  
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For anyone who wants or is interested in free software(*not* shareware*, just go toWorldStart's Website. They have an ebook that has loads of software that can save us all a lot of money, not to mention time. It does take a Premium membership to get it, 12 bucks a year, yep, that's it, and the ebook on free software is yours for the download. It's called  "Worldstart's Ultimate Freeware Guide". They have a shortcut guide too called "Worldstart's Ultimate Shortcuts Guide"
I took the first step in getting my website for Guitarist's Health off and rolling by registering with 1 & 1 and signed up with the WA hosting. I hope this works. Also working on free marketing in my Action Plan. It's been so long since I did any writing as an assignment, and I finding it kinda tough writing articles, but I'm persevering. I'm not beat yet. Next plan of action is to go through my Article Marketing Tutorial and to practice my writing with Rapid Writer. Even with frustrations a
Well, I've finally done it! I've joined Commission Junction and Shareasale. I'm considering LinkShare too, as they've got some merchants that handle products for wellness issues like tendonitis, arthritis, fibromyalgia and back pain, which accompany my preferred niche, my second most preferred niche is Guitar Learning and practice issues. I've finding I have to split the two because all combined it's too broad and overwhelming. And of course, let's not forget the mindset of practicing and learni
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I'm hitting a snag with my guitar practice. I seem to have arthritis, but no bread (yet) to go to occupational therapy. So I'm working on finding ways around it so I can practice. There don't seem to be a lot of learning classical guitar affiliate programs (except for JamPlay, which I joined. It seems good. It's a mixed genre, but I like the classical genre), but there are are programs for issues *related* to learning classical guitar, like arthritis, practice issues, finding and maintaining tha
Now that I have pretty much decided on the guitar niche, particularly the learning guitar niche, I'm entering the research phase of my studies. Still working out the final drilling down, but it's narrowing nicely. I'm coming to get very passionate about classical guitar, don't know all that much about it, but I am learning classical guitar while learning the niche. It's coming in bits, spurts and bumps, but I am slowly progressing in the research phase.   It's kind of a relief to finally de
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