Signed up for Webhosting and registered my name

Last Update: July 22, 2010

I took the first step in getting my website for Guitarist's Health off and rolling by registering with 1 & 1 and signed up with the WA hosting. I hope this works. Also working on free marketing in my Action Plan. It's been so long since I did any writing as an assignment, and I finding it kinda tough writing articles, but I'm persevering. I'm not beat yet. Next plan of action is to go through my Article Marketing Tutorial and to practice my writing with Rapid Writer. Even with frustrations and feelings of being overwhelmed, I'm pushing ahead, and some of this stuff is coming together for my niche. It's a little narrow, and not as many products, but I really feel this could go places. And I have my other site, Maghdalena's guitar tips for learning guitar and practice issues to get me started. My main blockage seems to be the content at this point, so I just have to read and digest the Getting Started guide. 


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