Starting to find my subniches

Last Update: May 05, 2010

I'm hitting a snag with my guitar practice. I seem to have arthritis, but no bread (yet) to go to occupational therapy. So I'm working on finding ways around it so I can practice. There don't seem to be a lot of learning classical guitar affiliate programs (except for JamPlay, which I joined. It seems good. It's a mixed genre, but I like the classical genre), but there are are programs for issues *related* to learning classical guitar, like arthritis, practice issues, finding and maintaining that perfect guitar, and working on health issues as everything connects. Now this, but this is an opportunity, so I need to keep an open mind to the possibilities. I seem to be focusing more on the arthritis and practice issues, as I have both. Something could come of this unexpected snag. Especially time management, a problem which we all have at one time or another. So I'm exploring the main issues for me, pracitice, time managment issues and arthritis and non-prescription remedies that will help me *and* potential visitors to my site-if I ever get it up.  Think positive, Maghdalena!

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