My blog is up and I have just added a new post

Last Update: May 03, 2011

I've been very busy this past month working on my website, studying my self-sabotage and beliefs niche, learning about myself and working on my blog that I've had up for the past month.  I'm already getting lots of comments which I did not suspect because up until 2 weeks ago, I haven't even publicized it. I'm working to remedy that, and it is coming, but I'm still learning about bringing traffic to my blog. This next month, I'm planning on focusing on:

  1. Getting my website done and published
  2. Getting some articles written and submitted to the directories like Ezine Articles, Street Articles and Self-Growth Articles(a self-improvement article directory.
  3. Getting some articles submitted to Squidoo and HubPages.


Wish me luck. I'm actually starting to apply what I've been learning the past year and a half or so since I joined WA. I'm thrilled. All I have to do now is figure out how to put a landing page for my product which is about NLP(Neuro-Linguistic Programming. 

For those interested: My blog is over at Victory Infopublishing Blog and my post is entitled "Why it's important to change your beliefs"


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Maghdalena Premium
Thanks Fallulah, I saw your comment on my blog, but didn't connect you with WA. Well, it's a pretty big community here. Thanks. Always working on the content thing. At least with this I'm not scared to death because I write what I feel and what my personal experiences are. ;) Have a great one!
Fallulah Premium
Just visited your blog and wanted to congratulate you on your hard work and commitment. It's looking really good with great content too :)