Changing my niche to Self-Sabotage and changing beliefs

Last Update: March 22, 2011

I've been doing a lot of thinking, taking stock and soul-searching. 

I have a domain that's been languishing waiting for me to do something with it and this is an area that has caught my interest. The domain I'm talking about is called Victory Infopublishing. What I want to do with this is help people, (and myself) from the depths of despair and self-sabotage and limiting beliefs to the summits of success and victory. I've had this idea rattling in my head for about 10 years, but didn't have a clue what to do with it, because it encompassed so many different areas in our lives. I finally decided that I should base this on my own life, and fears and ways that I sabotage my own life because I'm scared what will happen if I become successful: Self-Sabotage and Mindset. 

I believe that without the right mindset, you and I will continue to be struggling Internet Marketers, and not at the top of our game. We have the beliefs that we are taught from children before we can say "no" to a particular belief. When we're little and in our formative years, we don't have the ability to filter beliefs, but soak them in like a sponge. When we're adults, we keep the beliefs that we were taught as children, until something comes along to make us aware that there is something wrong. We simply assume what we're taught is the way the world works. We "imprint" on the beliefs, and take the beliefs for granted. Of course we also imprint on negative beliefs too. 

These negative beliefs can be changed!  We don't have to accept the beliefs we were taught as children by parents who were taught the same beliefs or had their own personal issues. And this is what I want to address in my website and look for the tools to change these beliefs, and the self-sabotaging behaviors that inevitably follow and result from our beliefs. 

So...I'm changing my niche so that I can work on Victory Infopublishing. I'm working on my first site now and doing a lot of research into self-sabotage and the limiting beliefs that are beneath those behaviors. The behaviors are what people notice first, like procrastinating, perfectionism, addictive disorders like compulsive spending, suppressed anger,anger management whatnot, but it's the mindset under all those that really makes the difference whether they are going to overcome them or not. What makes the difference if we stay in the mud or reach for the stars. It's been a tough battle for almost 2 1/2 years to pick a niche and stick with it 

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Maghdalena Premium
Thank you all for your warm and supportive comments. I'll work on not disappointing you all! LOL. Have a great day.
Fallulah Premium
This is truly a relevant niche Maghdalena :). Although it has many many facets it has some very basic underlying principles which can be applied to any aspect of life once we get the basic hang of it. Simple though not always easy [lol]. It's been almost the topic of my entire life, and my quest through alternative and energy medicine has brought much insight and healing along with some few tears but a whole lot of laughter. I wish you every success both personally and professionally Maghdalena :)
Kathy389 Premium
This is definately an active niche, and I am one that needs it. I don't know if it's the age and the relection we do on our lives, but looking for the help to correct the negative and self-limiting beliefs, and trying to find new directions to go, has limitless possibilities. I have been thinking along the same lines, but I am starting with the meditation end of the spectrum. Good luck and keep us posted.
wandah Premium
I agree lack of personal growth can really hold us back from success. I wish you the best in your pursuit and look forward to seeing your niche when you have it up and running.