Posts by Monja 7
June 08, 2010
I worked on it, I set up the membership site with the categories,  I started to integrate clickbank and then - I guess without rethinking -I requested a server change LOL which I should known will result in me not touching the site for 48 hours which makes it impossible to actually fullfill my goal although it was absolutely necessary do that - just wish I´d done it a day later so now I feel that I already need to expand my goal date.... SO I guess I won´t be finished until the 13th to ad
...well, I tried - I have another site with a newsletter list of over 3000 people and I put the WA banner there, I send a message to friends, I wrote an article on my site and market it to twitter, facebook and other social networks and NOTHING Just some clicks but obviously nobody is interested to join us here.... maybe the audience from my newsletter list (which is about digital scrapbooking) is not target enough, yes, might be - but what with my blog? with twitter? my site is about wordpress,
Actually this is not really my first action because I've already built my site ( but I also created a ton of videos and a good amount of articles over the past months which are now waiting to be posted.  Because of this i started to create a membership site - i really enjoy creating videos to show others webdesign difficulties but also wordpress plugins and themes.  So I guess my first goal is -  setting up the whole membership site and adding all content
May 24, 2010
Ok today I decided to make an action plan - because all in all everything results in action. Tomorrow I'll set up a plan and post it here to keep me going. I also discovered that my WA space offers a plan where I can post my goals and tasks fullfilled.  I must say I still have some difficulties to find posts in the forum where my two-cents could help LOL I believe that giving back to a community what you get is the best to make friends and build trust. The only thing is that you actually n
Ok, I´m here on my 3rd day at WA and the only things I got done so far was surfing around, getting some posts done and finding some friends....I´m still - well, more overwhelmed as confused - but enjoying it LOL.  Today I found a book I put some note in in January 2007 - it already contained working as an affiliate as a longterm goal but also enjoying my life more and earning enough money, buying my own house, etc... Today I thought: you already have all this just because you are self emp
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I read about it before I joined, yes, but which owner doesn´t consider his site having a wonderful community LOL - but here actually IS a great community. You are not only encouraged but you also find a lot of great and helpful tips! it´s really awesome and the more i read the more i just want to run out and START.  Yes, this blog will go along with me on my way to success. Yes, I say success because I don´t see any room for failure as I won´t give up. I don´t consider success just as
May 20, 2010
....yes, decided yesterday when I joined WA that I really want to reach this goal, that I really want to become successful in internet marketing and that this is definitely my overall goal.  So far I'm not really sure if I found the starting point at WA but here is so much material and it's so exciting that I guess I just keep going, posting, talking, meeting new people and enjoy this for now :-) I thought I can use my blog here to document my journey.  No, giving us is no option for m