Wow, what a nice community...

Last Update: May 22, 2010

I read about it before I joined, yes, but which owner doesn´t consider his site having a wonderful community LOL - but here actually IS a great community. You are not only encouraged but you also find a lot of great and helpful tips! it´s really awesome and the more i read the more i just want to run out and START.

 Yes, this blog will go along with me on my way to success. Yes, I say success because I don´t see any room for failure as I won´t give up. I don´t consider success just as "making money" but also as making friends, networking, helping others with my little knowledge and simply learning as much as I can and also by taking action.

 In German I´d say "Der Weg ist das Ziel" which I´d translate with "The way is already the path of success" no idea if I could translate the sense of the quote correctly ;-)

I´m already enjoying the IM way because I find new people, make friends, learn something useful and I´m totally excited - I really think that´s already more than I can expect in 2 days!

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cld111 Premium
Welcome, and I'm glad you're liking it here so far! It's a great place to learn and it's really fun too. :)
kadcpp Premium
Welcome! Nice post keep the positive attitude going and you will succeed.
Jamie Smith Premium
Nice to have you in the WA family! My advice is to go through the Action Plan step by step. Pick a niche that is a passion, so it doesn't feel like a "job". Everything I do with IM is to support the Arts, that is my passion. I also advise you check out Jay's mind map on his magistudio blog and attend his free webinar next week to help you see the BIG picture.