My first goal...

Last Update: June 08, 2010

I worked on it, I set up the membership site with the categories,  I started to integrate clickbank and then - I guess without rethinking -I requested a server change LOL which I should known will result in me not touching the site for 48 hours which makes it impossible to actually fullfill my goal although it was absolutely necessary do that - just wish I´d done it a day later so now I feel that I already need to expand my goal date.... SO I guess I won´t be finished until the 13th to add all my content - but I´m going and I have a ton of awesome tutorials coming!!!!

Now I will use the two days to produce the videos - if anyone has any suggestions which videos are usefull for newbies when it´s about setting up a site - please let me know!!! Thank you!

BTW - I have discovered something nice. One task for the beginner class was to read a tutorial and I copied it, saved as pdf and put on my kindle - so now i can learn while lying in bed. If you are not sure if you should have a look at Amazon's popular ebook reader - have a look here - i definitely LOVE it! If the site is not working for you right now - you know why LOL but it will be up again in some hours :-)

 Wish you all a wonderful day!

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