Why being self-employed is the best way to work...

Last Update: May 23, 2010

Ok, I´m here on my 3rd day at WA and the only things I got done so far was surfing around, getting some posts done and finding some friends....I´m still - well, more overwhelmed as confused - but enjoying it LOL.

 Today I found a book I put some note in in January 2007 - it already contained working as an affiliate as a longterm goal but also enjoying my life more and earning enough money, buying my own house, etc...

Today I thought: you already have all this just because you are self employed. Taking the risk and be afraid not to have enough money each and every month to just pay the bills was RISKY but in the end I can say that I survived (and my hubby also). I do earn a LOT of money already BUT - and that´s the main point - my job does not make me really happy. I know that working for myself is definitely MY way of working but I know as well that I need a new job. I love to work with the children but I hate to start in the afternoon. I hate that I can hardly take a day off and that my day because I want to archive my goals already starts at 6 in the morning...

I´m someone who can work best in the morning and that´s definetly another VERY good reason for me why I want to become an affliate marketer - I can combine all the things I love with it.... ok so I guess I better find my way around here ;-)

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maureenhannan Premium
Enjoying life more is a very good goal indeed. And it's wonderful to get out of bed and feel really excited about your work. I nearly accepted a job as a software trainer back last October. I barely would have seen my kids at all though the salary and benefits were all right. Not worth it.

And isn't it cool that affiliate marketing combines all the things you love? Like you, I'm a little overwhelmed as I sort through some of the tutorials and forum posts. But in a good and hopeful way :-) Wishing you well!