Giving up is not an option...BUT

Last Update: June 03, 2010

...well, I tried - I have another site with a newsletter list of over 3000 people and I put the WA banner there, I send a message to friends, I wrote an article on my site and market it to twitter, facebook and other social networks and NOTHING

Just some clicks but obviously nobody is interested to join us here.... maybe the audience from my newsletter list (which is about digital scrapbooking) is not target enough, yes, might be - but what with my blog? with twitter? my site is about wordpress, plugins, etc - this should work, or?

OK.... giving up is not an option. I better sit down on my butt and start reading more ;-)

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Monja Premium
Thanks anyone for your nice comments and encouragements!!!
Garage667 Premium
Internet Marketing involves a lot of "testing"..And what do i mean?When you build a campaign of any product,you should try first and test how it goes.You need to have more targeted visitors and some of them interested in what you sell or even better, willing to buy.Have also in mind that what has to do about making money online,people are still a bit afraid or worried.Keep sending e-mails to your list and i am sure that you will get something out of it!Keep testing!Cheers
jatdebeaune Premium
What's that rule? A person has to see something 7 times before they act on it. Maybe that's what's happening here. Sometimes when I don't seem to get folks attention, I shock them with something unexpected. Could be something funny. I don't know what that thing would be in regard to WA, but just thinking about it, you might come up with the perfect thing. Maybe even a very unique offer? Something nobody else would think of doing.
maureenhannan Premium
I like your attitude. I suspect there's a whole lot of trial and error in this for most people. As much of a cliche as it is, it always helps me to think of all of Edison's failures before getting the incandescent bulb to work. What was it? LIke 900 attempts or something? Keep blogging...we all need to read about one another's attempts and adjustments. ~ Maureen
Naab Premium
Inspiering! Thanks for posting :=)