Blogging Thoughts

Last Update: July 11, 2010

It is my distinct honor to work with a talented group of women on 4 blogs.  There are 5 of us who post regularly once a week on each blog.  Think about that.  Each blog receives 5 posts every week.   We are moving up in the rankings at Google and becoming more efficient and productive as we move along.

One of the best parts of this project is that we are not upset if someone misses a week, we don't push each other or insist or control.  We just all do the best we can.  But the result is active blogs -- and that is part of the secret to google's attention, right?  

Somehow I think women are more easily attracted to this type of blogging.  but whether you are male or female, i encourage you to find a few good friends and create an exciting blog together.

 And if you would like to see our oldest blog - it's almost a year old now - 

Top Rated Gifts for Every Occasion




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iFaith Premium
Joan, what an inspiring idea - 5 women working together to create content and maintain one blog! The blog offers great info + offer lovely ideas and varied selections of products. Everyone buys a gift many many times in a year - you gals hit the mark - Good Job! You must tell me how you created your sig "Joan" at the end of this post?
Carrie Premium
Oh, Joan, I'm so envious of you. I took a gander at your site, and I so wish I were there. My plans today are to figure out how to get a Wordpress Site up via Wordpress, and I'm already at an impasse. Off to figure it out. You gals are so lucky to have each other. Have a prosperous week!
jatdebeaune Premium
Wonderful idea, Joan. My niche is gifts too, upscale home furnishings.
Barnabus Premium
Good Morning Moonvine, I like the idea of collaborating with others (Women or Men or both) which provides an effective prroduct (blog in this case)especially the part about the no hassle wrassle to make it happen.(post something)As you are probably well aware the idea tank goes dry sometimes and if you have a reserve the job still gets done. Good luck on you and blogmates for continued success....Bill