Confession Time

Last Update: July 18, 2010

Well, I did it!  I managed to get myself totally overwhelmed one more time!   Will I ever learn to take it slow?   I am in such a hurry!  

I just realized that in the past week I have printed 3 new ebooks to read and study.  These are freebies, but still..............

...A waste of time if they take away from my basic training and plan of action for the month.

So I am regrouping, recommitting to my plan of action -- and will study the things I am scheduled to study this week!

There are so many shiny things here at WA and on the internet-- I am like a kid in a candy store!




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Carrie Premium
Joan, I'm in your boat. I spent last evening making task cards for this week. Big dentist appointment this morning, and then I'm tackling my check-off cards. They have a specific number of tasks, all targeted toward some of my basic goals. Hope this is a start in the right direction. Have a productive, focused week!
cashflow+ Premium
You go girl! you are so right it's so easy to get off track, I went through the same thing. We have to focus with a passion. I feel it coming together. There will be lots of time to add all the other stuff later. I find it helpful when I take a break and check out my buddies. I'm looking forward to your success.
iFaith Premium
Joan, I know what you mean. I am like a pack rat, always curious about everything under the sun. I'm slowly unsubscribing and cleaning up my email inbox/s so that I have more time Doing and less time checking out the latest email sent my way. This is my greatest enemy - if I can only simplify what info I receive each day - I'll probably accomplish so much more than ever! Getting good at it as time goes on.
cdwyland Premium
Last time I joined WA all I did was read and learn, and ended up overwhelmed and quitting. This time around, I got to work from the beginning, and learned as I went. I didn't worry about how to write articles...I learned how to find a niche then found some niches. Then I learned how to do keyword research and then found some keywords. And so on.

I have found that this has been very helpful in keeping me on track. Save those ebooks, and read them once you're established. They'll have great info that you can go back and add to your existing campaigns. For now, until you're established, just learn what you need to as you need to learn it.
Louise M. Premium
Haha I know that! Some free ebooks can have good info but everytime I find one I read it right away and apply what I think valuable and I move on. :)