Giant Squid Open Mike

Last Update: June 14, 2010

This Tuesday at 5:00 EST, Kimberly from Squidoo will be our guest on Giant Squid Open Mike.  We will be discussing the Squidoo Summer Sunshine Awards.  Every day for 60 days a lensmaster and a charity win $99.  It is a great contest!  See details in the post before this one.   ; Once the show begins, scroll down to join us in the chat room during the show.  Everyone is welcome!

if you would like to listen via telephone and/or call in and talk to us, 

(347) 857-3934, and just press 1 if you would like to speak to the hosts (me and Kate and tomorrow,  Kimberly.


PS  I just did a book review on SquidLit for the Contest if you want to see how I did it.  Just look at the modules toward the bottom of the page of the lens.

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moonvine Premium
We had a wonderful time with Kimberly on the show while ago. If you have not made a charity lens for this contest, please do! it's a great chance to win $99 for yourself and your favorite Squidoo charity.
maureenhannan Premium
Thank you, Joan! I checked out the SquidLit lens and like it a lot. Your lenses really have style!