Take Time to Have Fun!

Last Update: July 06, 2010

July 4th this year started on July 3rd for me!   A friend from Squidoo, Beth Day, picked me up at my home and we went together to my sister's home in Pendleton SC to attend the Freedom Fest.

Beth and I had never met and Beth and sister Nancy aka Ohme had never met.  So we proclaimed a Squidoo Meet Up - a special time when Squidoo lensmasters meet face to face.

This was also a "giving" trip.  Beth and I are both creating lenses to support Pendleton's Friends of the Park.  Those wonderful volunteers in Pendleton are hard at work again -- this time raising money to rebuild the ball fields for the children of Pendleton.  Pendleton is a small town in South Carolina with the most active and devoted volunteers I have ever met!

Beth created a lens about our trip at Party Pendleton Style 2010

Your visit to her lens helps support Friends of the Park in the Squidoo Summer Sunshine Charity Awards.   So if you have a few extra minutes today, please stop by. 

Remember --

You can make lenses and set them to 100% charity at Squidoo.  We hope you will make at least one for Friends of the Park -- or visit and nominate any of the Friends of the Park lenses.

You can make lenses about any event -- sometimes it is fun to make a lens without personal gain being your chief motivation -- Have some fun, give a little!  Use the power of the internet to make a difference!

And before you go, thank you for visiting Beth's lens -- I just know you will find a few minutes to do that today!     :)   :)



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maureenhannan Premium
That's so cool, Moonvine! Who knew that Squidoo could be such a boon to one's social life? And philanthropic life? Love your perspective and your sense of community. Thanks...I'll take a look at the lens.